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AYITI Code Generals internship at OT&T Consulting and Konga Online Shopping

Here is the Epic video of my Code Generals during their internship at OT&T Consulting and Konga Online Shopping. I appreciate everyone who has made their experience worthwhile.

These whiz-kids have differentiated themselves and they have proven that the future is bright for Africa; if only we would engage them.

I have always said that training these youngsters is an experiment for me to confirm that our children can be taught anything and they can compete globally. This is the beginning of great things to us at AYITI and our joy knows no bound.

Thank you all for your support, please help share this video and keep sharing the link on other social media platform. Let it get to as many people as it should…our next Tech Giant CEO might be on your timeline. S/he might just be encouraged by watching this. Please, AYITI really needs your support by clicking the 'Share' & 'Like' button right now. Thank you!



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