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Pay4Me Payment Integration for Magento Cart in 3 steps

More websites are integrating payment platforms; I guess Nigeria is moving towards ecommerce boom. I just got a client's Magento ecommerce website integrated with Pay4Me payment paltform and I decide to share it with all.

Below are the steps to integrate your Magento site with Pay4Me gateway.

Step 1.
Download below module and extract it into their various folders as indicated in the folder structure.

[!FileDownload? &getFolder=`assets/docs` &getFile=``!] 

Step 2.

Open the file app/design/frontend/base/default/template/payformepayment/redirect.phtml to update your Merchant ID, Merchant Code, Merchant Key and Payment URL accordingly. Set your payment URL either to DEMO or LIVE instance as given in the documentation.

Your response URL would be <your-domain-name>/payformepayment/payment/response/ if you have configured your .htaccess to remove the index.php page or <your-domain-name>/index.php/payformepayment/payment/response/ if you have not.

Step 3.

Go into your admin area and enable the payment option. 


So simple you say?

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