Pay4Me Payment Integration for GoCart
GoCart is a shopping cart application built with CodeIgniter Framework. I have a client that needs Pay4Me integration for her cart that was developed with GoCart and this made me to dive into integrating with Pay4Me payment platform. I did the integration with the GoCart V2.2.1.
Follow the steps below for a successful integration
Step 1.
Download the module from the link below
[!FileDownload? &getFolder=`assets/docs` &getFile=``!]
Step 2.
Extract the files in your go cart payment packages directory <root>/<gocart-installation-path>/gocart/packages/payment. Rename the folder to pay4me if not named so.
Step 3.
Open the libraries folder (<root>/<gocart-installation-path>/gocart/packages/payment/pay4me/libraries/) and update your Merchant Id, Merchant Code and Merchant Key on line 158, 159 and 160 respectively in the pay4me.php fileAlso modify the Pay4Me payment gateway URL to use the DEMO or the LIVE at line 94 and 95. Uncomment or comment out the one you wish to use..
Step 4.
Modify the Pay4Me payment gateway URL to use the DEMO or the LIVE at line 191 and 192. Uncomment or comment out the one you wish to use.
Step 5.
Go into your admin area and enable your payment module.
Step 6.
Move the response file into the controllers folder (<root>/<gocart-installation-path>/gocart/controllers/). Your payment response link is You may decide to change this by changing the name of your class "Response" to anything you desire but make sure it starts with a capital letter. Then rename the file(response.php) to same name. That is it! If you want your reposnse URL to be accessed at, you would rename the file to ourcustom.php and the class name contained in the file to Ourcustom.
Hope this helps someone greatly. Have fun.