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Migrating MYSQL 5.6 to MySQL 8.0 on AMPPS - "ERROR 3554 (HY000) at line 33128: Access to system table 'mysql.innodb_index_stats' is rejected"

I had this funny issue the very first time I was trying to move my webserver AMPPS to the latest which comes with Mysql 8.0 by default. I got so much error that I have to backtrack. Eight months after, I was having my MacBook Pro charger light flickering when charging and I was thinking updating the OS would fix this issue so I decided to go for it.

As soon as I finished update I realised a bigger problem which was upgrading all my 32 bits application to 64 bits and my webserver was impacted. I have not choice that to fix this issue this time around and move on once and for all.

Here are the step I took

  1. I copied my entire AMPPS folder to another Mac
  2. I chown the folder on the new Mac using the command 
    sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /Applications/AMPPS
  3. I acessed my AMPPS and ran this to export my database
    /Application/AMPPS/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > database.sql
  4. I moved the database to my old laptop then I ran this on the terminal 
    /Applications/Ampps/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p --force < new-database.sql 


I guess "--force" did the magic by allow the errors like below to be ignored.

Hope this helped someone.



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