Stanbic IBTC Payment Integration with Magento in 3 steps
Integrating Stanbic IBTC payment platform with Magento is so easy. I did the integration for a client and would like to share the module. Follow the following easy steps and get it done fast and quick so you can face other business. I think the implementation is the same for First Bank, Fidelity Bank and other major banks just for change in the payment gateway URL and payment interface. Anyway, I will get you posted as I come across any of it.
Step 1.
Download below module and extract it into their various folders as indicated in the folder structure.
[!FileDownload? &getFolder=`assets/docs` &getFile=``!]
Step 2.
Open the file <root>/<magento-installation-path>/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/stanbicpayment/redirect.phtml to update your Merchant Id, Currency Code and your Product description accordingly. Set your payment URL in the form action. This is the payment URL provided in the documentation. This either you are using DEMO or LIVE.
Step 3.
Go into your admin area and enable the payment option. System -> Configuarion -> Payment Methods - > Stanbic Payment.
You are good to go. Enjoy!