Let us "re-program" the future of Nigeria through our children - AYITI
I spent the better part of last year (2019) in kanthari (India), studying how to make my training for the kids a better and more rewarding experience. I made new friends, I networked, I learnt new things and I saw a bigger vision than what I left Nigeria with. My experience in kanthari will ever be an indelible memory.
A lot has changed about my approach to my initiative (AYITI). I will no more be taking applications online; I will personally be looking for my beneficiaries in the nooks and crannies of Lagos slum. Henceforth, I will not only train children how to code; the new approach will be more sustainable.
Since I believe that the vulnerable children we ignore today and leave to rot have a higher chance to turn to any sort of crime when they become adult, we can't just turn our face away from them if we want a country we will all be proud of.
I will now identify vulnerable children from the margins of the society and teach them programming for ethical change. The only criteria to join is knowing how to read and write. The age range will be between 9 and 13 years. I realise that a lot is going on in Nigeria and this is the best time to 're-program' the mind of the children about values, ethics, integrity, empathy, collaboration, critical thinking and being self reliant. So when I say it is more than coding, you should know what I am saying. There is no better time to start this movement than now.
I have developed a curriculum approach that is experiential and organic. The training will be tailored to the need of the children by categorising the children into Analysers, Visualisers, Innovators and Entrepreneur. At the end of our 52 weeks training, the children will be team players, critical thinkers, activist (because they need to take the revival to their peers in their community), exposed to alternatives to their reality, be dynamic learners, confident and have good self-esteem.
It is also of importance to link the children up with mentors and the mentorship program will go on for at least five years.
You all know that I won't be able to do this alone; please I need your efforts to make this happen. I will need your support in any way you can; through volunteering, donations of laptops or just some funds, emotional support and even by sharing this post to the farthest places via social media. Join me in this noble journey to 're-program' the future of Nigeria through our children.