JS-JODA + Bootstrap Timepicker: "DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed at index 11"
While working on timezone application I mentioned in this my blogpost, I switched to JS-JODA from momentjs.com. I am quite impressed with what JS-JODA has done. I am sure you would probably be wondering why I switched from Moment JS? I couldn't just get the to initialise timezone. Reading so much articles online proves the code is broken somewhere. I tried my best seeing if I can fix it but I realised I have timeline on the project I am working on as a constraint. I have to move on. Maybe I will look into it later..Lol
My journey with JS-JODA was pretty straight forward but the biggest problem I encountered was coming by this error "DateTimeParseException: Text could not be parsed at index 11" every single time I parse the time from bootstrap timepicker to JS-JODA timezone function. After spending hours debugging and eventually giving up. I had a long sleep and woke up to look more into why this issue persists. I realise the problem is from Bootstrap timepicker 24 hours format sending hourly time in single digit. I mean 8:15 AM displayed as 8:15 instead of 08:15. Other hours with doudle digits are fine. Below was how I fixed the issue
var timeDynamic = "8:15";
timeDynamic = timeDynamic.split(":");
timeHH = ("0" + timeDynamic[0]).slice(-2);
if (timeHH.length > 1) {
if (timeHH >= 0 && timeHH <= 23) {
var local = $(this).val().toString() + "T" + timeHH + ":" + timeDynamic[1];
// copy all js-joda classes to the global scope
var jsJoda = JSJoda;
for (var prop in jsJoda) {
window[prop] = jsJoda[prop];
var localTime = LocalDateTime
.toString() // 2016-06-30T11:30+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
var zonedTime = ZonedDateTime
//.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern('yyyy-M-d HH:mm'))
.toString() // 2016-06-30T05:30-04:00[America/New_York]
$('#time_in_india_' + index).val(zonedTime);
I hope this helps someone. I hope this saves someone some time. Happy coding!