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Open Cart Interswitch Web Pay Integration in just 3 Steps

Just worked on another open cart payment integration and would like to share it with people to make their life easy.

Follow the following easy steps


Step 1.
Download the module from here and extract it to the root of your open cart installation e.g public_html/webpayopencart.

Step 2.
Install the module by going to your web browser…


UBA Payment Integration for Prestashop Cart

I got a call from someone who needed me to integrate UBA payment platform for Presta Cart. I ran into some issues and no thanks to UBA support team because the guy I called could not solve my problem. I finally solved the problem with the assistance of the same person I was doing the integration for, kudos Boss. The addon is compatible with Prestashop 1.4.0 to

Follow the following steps for a successful integration:

Step 1.



Akinyele Olubodun talks about Entrepenursip on Your View (Television Continental - TVC)

On January 6, 2014 I got a call to appear on a TV program to talk on Entrepreneurship. The TV show is one of biggest in Lagos and Nigeria. The show ended well and insightful. It was a good way to start the yaer.

Your View is a talk show, hosted by women of different backgrounds, disciplines and experiences. They’ll lead discussions on the views of Nigerians about everything and anything that affects our socio-economic and political reality with live call in from viewers to express…


5 Things to Learn from Nairaland and Other Nigerian Websites

Recently, Nigeria's seventh most popular website went offline for almost 3 days; that is about 72 hours and some other blogs too. It is quite unfortunate but there are lessons that developers and small business owners can learn from this. I feel it is unprofessional to have a website as heavily visited as Nairaland go off that way without doing some necessary things. Part of the signals it sends is that it is probably one man squad behind this web application and he is not running…


Free Cash Book Application for Small Businesses

On the 7th of September, 2012, I got an email from a Computer Science/Mathematics undergraduate of O.A.U.,Nigeria (Obafemi Awolowo University) asking to come and do his industrial training with Think First Technologies limited. The email was followed up with a call then I asked the guy to forward his CV to my personal email. Here is how the journey to this beautiful application started.

The objective on his CV struck a cord in me and made me to be curious about reading more about his ability.…


Migrating Prestashop Cart from Local/One Server to the Live/Other Server

Being working on migrating a client's prestashop cart applciation to a VPS and I encountered so many road blocks. Below steps solve my problem a great deal and I am forever grateful to the poster. Underlined part of the post made the difference.

Transferring files

Whether you have your files locally stored, or on another webhosting, you need to upload all of them to the new space. As I am developing using WAMP (you can use MAMP on mac, or XAMPP), I can simply access…


Open Source Web to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 PHP Library using JSON

This Boko Haram menace has taken so long in my country (Nigeria) and I feel concerned every time I hear the news of another bomb blast or attack. I am sure the government is really looking into how to curtail the attack of these terrorists but a lot have been suggested over the period these gruesome acts have been happening and I wonder why I have not read or heard an elaborate use of Information Technology to solve this problem. Over a year now I have consistently followed every report, strategy…


Open Source Web to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 PHP Library using JSON

It is a tough one working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 with PHP, there is little or no documenations on this online. All the libraries we got are just not the right thing. The challenge ranges from authentication to defining the right data types (new data types are introduced, like money, option sets, two option set value and so on).

This got me and another developer (Nnadozie Omeonu) going sleepless…


5 salient points you need to know when Integrating your custom application to webpay(interswitch) - PHP Developer's View

After concluding my first ever integration with Interswitch WebPay and fulfilling all their requirements, I find it necessary to write on this blog so as to help other developers that would find the integration worrisome and complicated. Anyway, I felt the same way when I started the integration but my only motivation was to see the integration to completion. After integrating with many payment platforms in Nigeria I still find WebPay as the most stressful because the…


Diamond Webpay integration for Prestashop in 2 Quick steps

I wonder what the buzz over Diamond webpay on prestashop these days. More than three people have been reaching me for this particular integration. Anway the good news is that, I now have it to make your hustle easier.

Follow the following easy steps and get it done fast and quick so you can face other business.

Step 1.

Download the module here and extract it into…


[Solved] Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts on Ubuntu

I just recently started noticing that I couldn't add new host to the list of known hosts on my Ubuntu box and I was wondering what must have gone wrong. Anyway for documentation purposes, I ran below code on my terminal and it solved the issue. Hehehe

sudo chown -v $USER ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Hope this helps someone.


QuickTeller integration for OpenCart in 3 quick Steps

I had a very busy week and I have managed to put together some interesting post. Besides, I became a father few days ago. My wife gave birth to our handsome son. It was such a great experience :-).

However, for sometimes now I have been working on a project that requires integrating Interswitch QuickTeller into Open cart and I decided to post the finished job to put smiile on someone's face.

Follow the following easy steps and get it done fast and quick so you can…


Getting Parent Page Title in Modx Evolution

I spent alomst 3 hours figuring out how to get parent's title of a document in Modx Evolution without doing much hack and writing snippets. I surf the internet for so long not until I almost gave up that I got an article that helped out. This is the link to the article.

The article gave 11 examples of getting the parent and this gave me better insight into solving my problem.



Interswitch WebPay Integration for WordPress eCommerce


Learn & Be Empowered

With the recent launch of at least 20 new Online shops everyday in Nigeria, it is becoming more than important for developers to learn how to integrate to payment gateways in Nigeria and abroad. In every 20 email requests I receive, 15 of them are requests to help integrate with payment platforms and the remaining others are little amendments of e-commerce applications.

Are you a developer and you wish to integrate any off-shelf or custom application…


Blocked from MODx Content Manager [Solved]

Lately I don't know why I forget my administrator's account password and I eventually get blocked. I have read the solution sometimes and I have to search for it again. Anyway, I am blogging Zaigham's (aka zi) solution on MODx forum so I can also refer to it whenever I get blocked again. Find his solution below:

You need to have access to phpMyAdmin on your host, if you have not then ask your service provider.

  • Now open phpMyAdmin.
  • Select your database…


"Install/update of this site is currently in progress" on Modx Evolution Manager [Solved]

After installing EvoGallery on one of the CMS work I was building for a client I couldn't log on into the panel again due to the error "Install/update of this site is currently in progress". If you also have such challenge log on into your server and go to your file in the director /manager/includes/.

Change the file permission to 0644. Refresh your manager login page and there you go... Fixed.


Removing Backslashes from MODx on a Shared Host without touching php.ini file

It's being a while I have posted on this blog. It wasn't as if I have stop development but I got some contract and got so much jobs that I couldn't afford to write. Anyway, I am back.

I ran into a challenge I resolved some years back but I've forgotten how I resolved it. I am blogging now to document the solution so I can have a refrence point next time I am faced with such again. The issue is after installing modx for a client, blackslashes are added everytime he tries updating the content.



The Pros and Cons of Dating a Programmer

Jackson Chung posted this and I so much love it.

Programmers make the best partners, because they don’t have time to cheat on you — they barely have time for themselves. Unfortunately, that means they probably won’t have time for you either. Kind of a catch 22, really.

Is anyone currently dating a programmer?

2013-11-19 10:00:00 Comments


Pay4Me Payment Integration for Magento Cart in 3 steps